Which membership is right for you?

“… [Amanda] is setting the bar for genuine thought leadership. If you want to upskill how you sell paid on here and also want to follow a genuine innovator in this space, then subscribe.” — Lucy Werner, PR Strategist 

“… your advice is unfailingly perceptive and helpful.” - Jeffrey Streeter, author English Republic of Letters

“This is really, really good, Amanda. Excellent start to finish.” - Jeannine Ouellette, founder of Writing in the Dark

Welcome to The Editing Spectrum. There is a place for you to thrive, grow and connect here.

This space is curated by Amanda Hinton, an experienced editorial strategist and entrepreneur known for her contemplative approach to online writing and marketing. She helps DIY writers build an authentic online presence and effectively connect with their readers. Her expertise in editorial planning, capturing reader attention, drawing insights from newsletter metrics and translating marketing and business jargon makes her a reliable guide for writers seeking to bring their work into the world with confidence. In addition to her newsletter, Amanda also supports creative entrepreneurs in one-on-one settings.

Tier 1: Newsletter Readers (free)

  • When you sign up, you get access to the Writing Season quiz — helping you discover if you’re in a season of rest, craft, musing or tending.

  • Get access to the encouraging, uplifting Self-Trust series in The Editing Spectrum archive. Through these series, you’re invited to hear from the wisdom of emerging and established writers—Jeannine Ouellette, Noha Beshir, Michael Estrin, Beth Kempton and Jessica DeFino among them—and explore how they experience self-trust within their own work.

  • Explore the Writing Seasons framework where you’ll encounter four distinct seasons a writer moves through in their creative life, including prompts to consider where you’re at today, along with compassionate, incisive invitations on how to work with each season productively. 

  • Receive monthly reflections from an editorial strategist around writing obstacles and patterns in the writer’s life on Substack and beyond.

Take the free Writing Seasons Quiz

Tier 2: 🌙 Paid Members ($8/month or $60/year)

Our paid members are DIY writers who are brimming with energy for their work. When someone becomes a 🌙 paid member, they instantly receive access to hands-on resources that others readers call “so generous and helpful,” “brilliant,” “inspiring” and “clear.”

Become a paid member to access exclusive resources (all organized in this easy-to-access Editorial Road Map) and refine your Substack experience. As a member, you’ll get:

  • A framework to improve the first impressions readers make of you on Substack.

  • An Editorial Branding Checklist for expertly writing the 21 key areas of your Substack.

  • Frameworks for improving your Welcome Email.

  • Insights from the Substack Reader Behavior Survey, including strategic advice from Amanda.

  • Twice-monthly essays with guidance on evolving your writing vision and newsletter experience.

  • Monthly community support and strategic feedback on your writing plans at our Writing Plan Check-In on Substack Chat. This helps practice intentional publishing while staying creatively open.

  • Join us at the end of each month for community celebration and reflections. We'll review your publishing process, celebrate wins and learn from the experience. This helps DIY Writers build confidence and provide readers with a steady, trustworthy newsletter.

>> Paid members also receive first access and discounted invitations to my Workshop Library, which holds more in-depth programs such as “Writing Plan Tools” to help DIY Writers begin building a gentle and effective publishing cadence.

Cost: $8/month or $60/year

Become a Paid Member Here

Tier 3: 🌟 Member of The Editing Collective ($125/year)

This membership is for creative entrepreneurs who want access to all the paid member community benefits and also want to bypass Amanda’s client queue for direct support and answers. 

As a one-time membership gift, members of The Editing Collective can ask up to three questions in a private, one-on-one setting within Substack Chat with Amanda. 

Here are some examples of how other members have used this opportunity to get their questions answered and their writing moving forward:

  1. Share a current Writing Plan for the month and get Amanda’s first impressions, essay topic ideas and ways to improve reader connections.

  2. Share a few first paragraphs (two to three) in an upcoming essay and get strategic feedback and light copy edits to help secure reader attention right from the start.

  3. Ask a specific question about Substack pricing plans, paywall strategies, publishing cadences (and more) based on Substack Reader Behavior Survey data.

Editing Collective members receive a copy of The Reader Connection Blueprint — a North Star guide and template for maintaining connection with reader needs and creative vision. 

Members also get first priority to engage in one-on-one strategic Chats as their needs and vision evolve.

Cost: $125/year

Join The Editing Collective

New to Amanda and The Editing Spectrum?

  • Explore My Work: Start with my Writing Plan Tools Workshop (available for one-time purchase) or the Editorial Road Map.

  • One-on-One Consulting for Creative Entrepreneurs: Book a one-hour Google Meets call to refine your editorial strategy or explore how to connect your current business goals with Substack.

  • Workshops & Speaking Engagements: Invite me to speak or host a workshop for your university, writing community or in-house team. Send me an email at TheEditingSpectrum@gmail.com.

  • Substack Success: As a Substack bestseller, I help creative entrepreneurs using data-driven analysis to understand where their readers are, how to find their pricing sweet spot and more. Learn about the two main ways I connect with creative entrepreneurs: editorial strategy reports and deep-diving audits.

What the community has to say

“Amanda's expertise shone through when it came to refining my "About" page and reworking my introductory email for subscribers. Since working with her, I have witnessed a noticeable increase in new readers signing up, and I personally feel that my writing skills have been steadily improving.” — Jeffrey Streeter, author of English Republic of Letters

“Amanda Hinton is that rare bird: a heart-led, compassionate and whip-smart editor with in-depth understanding of the Substack platform, devoted to helping us find and trust our authentic voice as writers. She offers encouragement and practical steps to grow as writers while protecting our soft, supple, creative center. If you're a writer, you want her in your inbox.” —

, author of Living in 3D

“Working with Amanda has profoundly changed my perspective on the editing process, which I previously considered secondary. Amanda possesses a remarkable talent for identifying the technical challenges that must be addressed to align a writer’s voice with their choice of words. Her empathy is one of her greatest strengths, enabling her to connect the dots and illuminate the most brilliant aspects of any work.” — Swarnali Mukherjee, author of Berkana

“This is very helpful- just the list and the questions to ask. Makes working through it so much easier…” - Josie Beug, DVM, CVA

“I love how clear and helpful this is…” - Emmy Singer

“… your advice is unfailingly perceptive and helpful.” - Jeffrey Streeter

“This is really, really good, Amanda. Excellent start to finish.” - Jeannine Ouellette

“I just learned a TON, it's amazing to see it broken down into simple examples like these…” - Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

“So much of this is common sense, but us authors don’t think about it from the guest’s point of view. Need to go back to my own inbox and do some research on how my emails come across.” - Tim Ebl

“This is an amazingly thoughtful and comprehensive resource for planning or revising our welcome emails. Way to exceed expectations!” - Tara Penry

“These tips are gold. The templates are so generous and helpful.” - Monika Kosmakova

“This is a wealth of amazing info.” - Lauren Cibene

“Brilliant. I am going to pour over this with a fine tooth comb.”  - Donna McArthur

“This is inspiring. I tend to jump in and out of the different parts of my newsletter you cover in no particular order, so I like this structure. It seems intentional, and since I'm working on really clarifying my "wtf is this newsletter about anyway" this will be a big help.” - Page Huyette

“This is so incredibly helpful! As I set up my publication, this will serve as a useful guide. I'm on the "About page" now. Also, your Reader Connection Blueprint was incredible, and I'm so happy I was able to knock it out this morning.” - Kourtney Torres