Welcome, wayward writer! 

If you’re struggling with stuckness, need help with a specific writing challenge, or you’re curious about how to bring your writing into the world, you’re in the right place! 

This newsletter is published by an editor who’s been working with writers for a very long time. (Hi, I’m Amanda Hinton!) It’s a place for anyone who’s seeking a sustainable, intuitive and effective way to be a writer in an increasingly online world—without losing connection with their inner compass.

Nourishment, editing guidance, writing frameworks and more

When you sign up for the The Editing Spectrum, here’s what to expect in a free subscription.

Deep dive with an editor behind the paywall

Behind the paywall is where I roll up my sleeves and work even more intentionally as your editor. Here, we’re tackling complex issues in standard writing and marketing guidance. These essays offer fresh ways to think about the writer’s life, including writer’s block, where writers belong in their stories and more.

A paid subscription will give you access to monthly “writing lessons” as well as a robust archive, which includes this Substack Editorial Branding Checklist (a great resource for writers new to Substack or whose newsletters need a refresh).

A paid subscription is right for you if:

  • you’re eager for guidance that is intuitive, empowering and never formulaic;

  • you don’t have tons of time to wade through writing advice or discussion threads—you want to improve your writing now and connect on your own timetable; or

  • you’re eager to distinguish yourself from the noise online (and on Substack).

Readers with a paid subscription help subsidize the entire newsletter ecosystem here at The Editing Spectrum. Your support makes all this possible!

Upgrade today to start becoming a better writer.

(Keep scrolling for some of our best stuff behind the paywall).

Amanda Bray Hinton. Married to Lee. Mother to Evagene. I cook, edit and write things. I meditate. I study Buddhism. I am a certified meditation instructor.

After being raised in fundamentalist Christian culture, I unwittingly launched a 20-year search to discover how to belong to myself and to let others in. And I guess you could say, the search continues in my writing here! After a couple decades in therapy, studying various religions, starting a few businesses and serving as editor/content strategist for small business leaders, I’m now reimagining what it means to be on the editing spectrum (see what I did there?) and shift between my calling as a neurodiverse writer and editor.

Subscribe to The Editing Spectrum

Weekly doses of creative nourishment and hands-on editorial guidance. If you're seeking practical, intuitive ways of developing your craft and carrying it into the world (that are also neurodivergent-friendly), you're in the right spot.


autistic editor, writing guide, essay coach and mother