I love the consideration of energy here! I usually consider how my newsletter fits into someone's day, but I'm not so great at accounting for how newsletter creation fits into my day. Thanks for sharing this tool!

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This is great, Amanda (and I like the use of graphics, too). This is going to make me review my own writing plan, which I keep in Notion. Not only the length considerations but also the switching to a more personal style are things I'll look at. Thank you!

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Amanda! So helpful and timely! I have decided just this week to take a newsletter writing hiatus to rest, refill my creative bank, and figure out a more sustainable pattern for publishing. I will be diving deep into this idea plus your essays on writing seasons as I sort out the future of Pretend You're Good At It.❤️

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I'm so glad this was helpful!

I also wanted to make note about what's coming in August — I'm starting to build out my live and in-depth Resources library and will start with one that explores Writing Plan Tools. In a Zoom meeting, I'll walk through how I made editorial decisions for July's calendar, how I'm thinking about August, how/when I pivot away from my writing plans and generally make myself available to answer questions in a live setting (which is something I rarely do, but am testing the waters!). It's a paid workshop outside the context of my newsletter offerings, but paid members get a deep discount (I'll be sending a coupon out). But you can see the sign-up page here: https://theeditingspectrum.podia.com/writing-plan-basics

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This was brilliant and so helpful. Also, what tool did you use to create the video & the slide show content. I loved how it all came together.

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"Mmhmm" is the name of the software. And thank you! :)

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Aug 5Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Thanks. Useful info.

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Hi Amanda!

What time is the Writing Plan Check-in and how do we access the link?

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