Sep 17Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

This is so fun! I got that I was in a season of Musings and my newsletter is called Musings!

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Now there's an endorsement!! ;-) Thank you for sharing with us!

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I liked the quiz, but agree some of the options didn’t apply - like the one about creating a newsletter didn’t have an option for those of us who already have one. That said I got Craft! I liked the reminder to allow myself to play with my writing. I literally thought to myself, “Now, that’s a novel thought.” 😂 About 30 mins before reading this newsletter a thought popped into my head as clear as day - spend 2025 traveling and writing. It sounds amazing and indulgent and omg could I really do that?! Anyways all of this is giving me a lot to think about this Monday morning.

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Thanks so much for this feedback! I’m hearing from a lot of folks that they need a more advanced quiz and I will push that up in my queue! Also I hear you about the reminder to play… I need them often! :)

also YES YOU SHOULD TRAVEL AND WRITE IN 2025! That’s audacious and the perfect combination for making magic. 🤗

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Love the idea of this quiz! Most of the possible answers didn't apply to me though. Perhaps add a section for people with robust editorial calendars and defined goals?

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I hear you! I’ve got one coming for my creative entrepreneurs (or those gliding toward that side of things) coming soon. :)

Thank you for taking the quiz and telling me about it!!

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