Jun 25Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Well done Amanda! I love how this post ties together the entire Editing Spectrum experience.

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Beautiful, such a beautiful invite! ✨

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Oh thank you! That means a lot coming from you.

I shared it with a friend and she said, "It reads like a mission statement that doesn't make me roll my eyes or retch..." And I was like, "Well, that's definitely in the mix of my intentions here..." 😂

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Haha we’ll take it! ✨I especially loved how you waited until it felt right for you - the calling came and so did the words but not because you “should” have a hero post. 💝

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‘’Who know when they’re not being led to the threshold of their own minds, as Kahlil Gibran said so wisely.‘’: I love that you chose this quote. From a brain perspective, the "threshold of our mind" is exactly where creativity thrives. I need to remember this phrase! Thank you-

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