The work that you've done sounds meticulous and overwhelming. I am in awe of how much effort, how much strength it must have taken. I've grieved so much less, and run away from the grief and into the numbness again and again.

Straight to God. Straight to God. You see her (you see them all) again in heaven.

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Apr 25Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

well hot damn Amanda. this…is not what I expected. I was enthralled. A million thoughts. A million questions. I need to meet all of my selves. I’m so curious which trauma and body therapies you’ve found that work for you…AnD HoW YoU FoUnD ThEM!! (I forget what part of the world you’re in 🤔) And if you’re an in-person girlie or have found value in virtual therapies too. And if you had to “work” to get to a state to remember your dreams and receive those messages. (I remember NOTHING EVER #hellablocked)

I know you’re in a new season, so don’t waste energy responding. Just throw it in an essay…or a series. The more the merrier, ya know? :)


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Apr 25Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Thank you, Amanda, for sharing this, your grief and the grace, and for offering healing to us all.

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Ooooh… I have no words. So powerful. So carefully and gently illuminated. I have to read this again… and again. Thank you Amanda!

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Apr 25Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Dear Amanda, thank you for sharing your traversal through grief with us. I needed this, now more than ever. My heart reaches for you. I see you. 💜

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My heart aching condolences, Amanda. Bearing witness to your pain. I'm here, offering a hug.

Every experience is fingerprint unique. Thank you for sharing.

I have weird and wild waves of grief after caring for Dad and some traumatic moments, and I'm still navigating it along side continuing as a caregiver.

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Oh, Amanda... This is exquisite. Thank you.

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Apr 25Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

It takes herculean effort to walk the journey you have walked both in grief and in healing. I see you. ❤️ Thank you for sharing this painful and beautiful piece with us.

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Apr 25Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Amanda, I will respond using pen and paper. It’s just too personal. But please know you, your grief story and your girls were honored as I read about your cab ride in New Orleans.

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Oh, Amanda. So grateful you are writing these stories. Am holding you and your girls "in the light," as the Quakers say, which I imagine to be in the heart of God themselves. <3

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Apr 25Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

I am in awe. Thank you for sharing this. I’m typing through tears for you, and for me and for all of us brokenhearted and grief-sick. Oof ❤️‍🩹

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Apr 26Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Incredibly moving story, Amanda. It reminds us that healing is not linear and that finding solace often comes from unexpected places and within oneself.

“Straight to heaven. Straight to God.” - So powerful words.

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This is beautiful writing. My heart breaks for you x

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beautiful words Amanda

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Apr 26Liked by Amanda B. Hinton


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Apr 26Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

It is impossible to think of any words that could meet this essay, much less this experience. Thank you for sharing with us, Amanda. And how deeply I feel you in that question you asked of the driver. As Brandi said here, I'm so grateful for this honesty, vulnerability, and the care with which you've described a reading audience as perhaps the next holders of the grief. ❤️‍🩹

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