Jan 22Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Thank you Amanda and Jennifer for another wonderful COTH post.

Our world needs keepers of the land, we need that so much. Thank you Jennifer! You talked about finding God in the plants and the magic that lives there which is exactly how I feel. I am fortuanate to live in great natural beauty, surrounded by mountains and forests. If I don't get out there to breathe in that air it becomes a little bit harder to find both God and myself.

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I'm was so fascinated, Jennifer, by how writing calls to you only through nature. It made me stop and think where my first writing nudges came from—and I think they came from my craggy inner life, the turbulent emotions and all. I think nature came later for me, which makes sense, because I was brought up—as most of us were—to think of myself as separate from nature. So writing is one way I bring them together. It's fascinating to me that your wellsprings work through and because of nature. Do you have any more to say about that?

Also, I happen to know that you live in Ohio, and I just met a woman from Indiana who, with her husband, plants a whopping 1500 native plants on their property every spring. It leads me to wonder if native plant restoration is becoming a movement in your part of the world. Last time I visited I was appalled that the mowed-lawn aesthetic had taken over roadsides and ditches too, so there were so few places friendly to bees and butterflies. Is restoration becoming a thing, I hope?

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My connection with nature gives me the feeling of safety and support, which then allows me to explore my writing in more daring ways. I also see Mother Earth as a mirror to the self, she teaches me so much about my own human experience, which then comes through in my writing process 💗

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Jan 23Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

So excited to see Jennifer showcased here! She's been one of my favorite nature writers for years and I had the opportunity to interview her and Steve several years ago for a gardening podcast I used to produce. They are delightful folks!

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Jan 23Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Thank you Jennifer and Amanda. I loved your reflections on needing space to write and that if you have to think “too much” its not ready.

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