deletedNov 13, 2023Liked by Amanda B. Hinton
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and round and round we go ... hug

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Kimia this is so interesting. Engineered boredom to get the spark going! After reading your comment I've been sitting here thinking if that would work for me but I don't think it would. I'm going to pay attention to see. The spark seems to randomly drop in out of nowhere for me or else it comes from inspired material, art or writing or movement.

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I love that Sagan quote so much, Mona. Thank you!

(And count me as one of those who has very much enjoyed you becoming more "feely" in your writing.)

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Thanks so much, Asha.

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This is such a FUN read! @Ramona Grigg, I’m sad that we don’t live in the same city because I’d love to have a cup of tea and just chat with you. The description of you by the gate is just *chef’s kiss*

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Thanks, Noha. I would like that, too!

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Wonderful collaboration! Thanks for making this happen, ladies. ❤️

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It was great fun! I love that Amanda does this. ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your heart. I’m so sorry about your loss.

I love that you chatted with people walking by like a friendly puppy.

The chair! It’s wonderful. You probably get magical inspiration sitting between its arms.

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Thank you. The chair is a cast-off that nobody wanted but me, and now it's my favorite place to sit and ponder. It's as if we were made for each other--quirky and a little worn for wear. I don't know which of us will hold up the longest!

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Wonderful interview! I love Carl Sagan. I once had the pleasure of hearing him speak in person and being in the same room with him. I said at the time that I could feel his brain vibrating through the room...

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"I could feel his brain vibrating through the room..." That's beautiful. Somehow I don't doubt it for a minute.

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Great interview with a lovely person!

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

I loved learning more about you!! I could just picture you as a little girl hanging on that gate! So wonderful to read your interview, thank you!🥰

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Thank you Ramona and Amanda for this great interview. Ramona, I appreciate you talking about your chair and showing us a picture. I relate to the struggle of trying to find a chair where my feet hit the ground. I usually have to put mine on a wooden box or yoga block. I love your chair!

Hearing that it took deep grief to bring you to write from the heart pierces my own heart. Firstly for what you went through to get to where you are now in your writing, and also for the lesson your story gives me. That being that you have a large fanbase of folks who get so much from your work and, although I didn't know you before you lost your husband, it seems they (including me) appreciate your heart-centered, personal approach when you write. Even when you are writing about writing, rather than something personal, it has great depth to it.

I have never heard that Sagan quote so thanks for sharing it! That one will stick with me.

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Thank you so much, Donna. You've given me a boost today! 💕

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Great interview! Thank you to you both.

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"I wrote from my heart, scared and sad and not in the least sure of anything anymore" - That right there. I appreciate and resonate with that deeply.

I enjoyed this so much, thank you both for coming together and sharing <3<3

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Thank you Ramona and Amanda for sharing Ramona’s Cave of the Heart with us.

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Thank you for sharing how your grief opened up your writing vulnerability.

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