Looooved this, Erin! You have wisdom for the ages 💓💫

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it's that birthday wisdom, really gets turned up a few notches! thank you so much for reading :)

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Wowee zowee. The goodness and the wisdom. Loved this. FELT this. Thank you, thank you <3<3

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Jun 17Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Wowee zowee is now my preferred response to things I love. Thank YOU!

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YES. Go wowee zowwee the shit out of great things. My 4.5-year-old is real into "rhyming words" right now so I get to drop back into my curious little kid spirit and go all in.

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Wonderful, Erin! That last bit reminded me of a boyfriend I had in my twenties. I was feeling BIG FEELINGS about something or other that I was locating in our relationship and his first response after I spun it all out, feeling ashamed (as usual) for being "too much", sure that he would scoff, and prepping myself for the inevitability of his disdain (because most of the men I'd involved myself with up to that point seemed to feel disdain for me. Why was I with them???) was simply, "It makes sense you feel that way."

I can't find adequate words for what a revelation that was and how deeply it touched me. Clearly, I'm still thinking about it and carrying it with me nearly 30 years later. I wish I could say that hearing that from him reset the bar for me in terms of the people I chose in my life, but it didn't. But it did sit out there as a magical, tangible possibility and now, in my early 50s, it's finally become the most basic of bar over which someone must be able to step without effort for me to welcome them in fully. It's not too much to ask and also everything. I wish for everyone to figure this out much earlier than I did.

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As a Big Feelings Person myself, I feeeeeel this so so big!! (Naturally!) Acknowledgment and validation are so incredibly healing it's almost shocking once you receive them. I fucking LOVE that your experience reset the bar for you. May we all have that moment as early as possible.

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This is wonderful.

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no YOU

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Jun 17Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Are you me?

I could have written most of this . Thank you!

I needed to read this. Needed the advice, and appreciate the book recommendations 🤗

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I am you, yes! was hoping you'd notice 🖤

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Just wow, Erin. I'm almost twice your age, wishing I'd learned half of this when I was crossing your birthday. Keep spreading the good words! They help all of us breathe better. <3

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This means so much to me, thank you Priscilla!

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Oh Erin, you are such a gift. I just loved meeting the magical girl who became my editorial BOSS.

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Thanks for reading and being here Isabel! You are a dream.

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Jun 17Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Also, loved the interview 🥰

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Jun 17Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Just did the survey 💪🏻 can I suggest to add “Threads” on the social media options or “other”, as I only ever read threads and notes on here, in terms of social media usage, and I’m sure there are a lot of us who are the same 🩷 (so I had to tick the lesser two I barely use anymore instead, so it might give you the wrong outcome)

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Thanks, Mara! I think we're early enough in the gathering that I can add this option without it really messing with the reliability of the data. Let me do a little research to see ...

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I agree! This is my only form of “social media” .

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Jun 19Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

SISTERS. As the middle of three, and having pretty much raised my younger one, just 😭😭😭

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SISTERS! I concur.

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When I was going through the first draft of Erin's answers, that poem gutted me ... I nearly collapsed at my desk from feelings.

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Jun 19Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

<3 <3 <3!!!

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Jun 18Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

This was wonderful. I’m grateful to have access to Erin’s dimension.

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Jun 18Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Ahhh thank you, Christian. I really value your opinion and so appreciate your support <3

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Jun 18Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Such a beautiful interview, Erin and Amanda. There are many reasons that I feel deeply grateful to have Erin as my newsletter editor. But probably the biggest is that, by working with Erin, I’m learning to value and trust myself more as a writer. The authenticity, care, and wisdom that shine through in this interview perfectly reflect how Erin shows up as a Substack whisperer.

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Jun 18Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Stop you're gonna make me cry 😭 Thank you so much, Dana.

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Jun 18Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

This is the best fucking interview I’ve read this year.

Thank you.




Thank you.

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Jun 18Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Thanks for this awesome, hilarious, most excellent interview Erin! Yes, had you said not everyone has a creative spark it may have broken the internet🤣 in one of those funny/not funny ways. I don't believe it when you say you're not a writer. You are an excellent call-it-like-you-see-it, hilarious, authentic writer. Loved this.

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Jun 18Liked by Amanda B. Hinton

Donna if there was an award for consistently writing the kindest, most wonderful comments on the internet, you’d win it

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Thanks Erin!

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Well, this has reminded me that I need to write about the epic fights over control of the bedroom doors between my sisters when we were little

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Can’t wait to read!

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I’m responding to your interview with Erin Shetron. I just hit the publish button for my second post, “The Sound of Our Own Voices.” I have three subscribers, one of which i think is me. A couple of my friends have tried to subscribe unsuccessfully, but what I want to say is that I felt elated when I pushed the button. I am happy to be OUT, and then when I read what Erin had to say about grounding into myself and what is it specifically I like about my post, I did take extra time with it and felt good about that. I think for a second post it’s probably a little long, but I put it out there and I’m happy with that.

Marilyn Graham Werden

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Marilyn, I'm so happy you're putting your work out there and that you experience so much joy from doing so. I'm rooting for you!

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